Categories Workouts

Proven benefits of stretching twins

Stretch the twins It is more important than it might seem to the naked eye. These muscles are often ignored because people tend not to be well informed about the importance they have and the functions they play by mobilizing their legs.…

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Categories Workouts

This is how Olympic medalists train

Join the list of Olympic medalists that they are immortalized in a sporting event as important as Olympic Games is a feat that very few athletes are able to achieve, although there are many who wish to achieve it. The fantasy of…

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Categories Workouts

Joint mobility and training exercises

The joint mobility and training They go hand in hand, do you know how this type of exercises affect your physical activity routine? You should know that it is an essential type of activity to improve your health, but also you Gymnasium…

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Categories Workouts

How does rest affect muscle growth?

It often tends to think that Muscle growth It is only achieved through hard work and weightlifting, but in reality, rest is equally important when gaining muscle. In fact, the body uses the rest to repair and strengthen the muscleswhich allows optimal…

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